Wednesday 12 September 2012

How will you consume city's artistic side?

How will you consume city's artistic side?
You remember the first time you smelt it, the high that got your blood penetrating through your veins, the adrenaline that got your heart rate propelling. You remember touching it, the rough uneven surface grazing your nearly raw fingertips while the colour absorbed through the infinite indents found in your human flesh. You remember hearing it, the comforting sound of creativity and originality exiting your soul. You remember seeing it, someone’s past in a simple intricate word laced with speckles of luminosity.

It’s just a scribble they said, nothing but a form of reckless vandalism, nothing but a bored teenager. Or is it? Did you ever stop to think that that inferior scribble could mean the world to somebody? That that scribble might tell a story of a disturbed teenager yearning to be heard but whose words are over shadowed by the more ‘important’ things the city has to say? The city’s walls become a canvas and these scribbles become a story. These scribbles are the start to something beautiful. Just like a child learns to draw through scribbles, these reckless marks that are etched deep into the city’s walls are the beginning of a story, a story that our city is craving to tell you.

He gets out of bed in the death of night ready to face his troubled mind. He runs down the dark alleyways with a spray can in one hand and his soul in the other, as adrenaline slowly begins to take over. His past is numbed by daylight but at night it begins to take over. Graffiti is his only outlet, his only escape, if only society knew that he thinks to himself, if only they understood. He passes scribbled walls, walls that contain pieces of his own heart and past. He passes a park, the park where he himself destroyed a girl’s life, stripping her of her dignity and value, a park where his own daughter was conceived, a daughter who will never know her own father, a father who got caught up in a gang, a gang who killed innocent people. As he sits on a nearby swing he questions where his childhood went, he questions why his mother loved injecting herself with numbing substances more than she loved the spitting image of herself, he questions who is father could be and wonders if he would be proud of his son, he questions if there is any hope left in this world, any hope at all. He grows tired of questioning. He passes the brothel where his mother used to work, he thinks how selfish it was for a mother to let an 8 year old witness such things, he remembers mommy’s boss who used to remove all his clothes and touch him inappropriately when she was ‘busy’, he shivers at the thought. He passes the bottle store where he used to work in his teenage years to support his mother’s addiction; he hated her addiction but loved her too much to let it take her. He passes his school where he wishes he had finished his education, instead of raping girls to be accepted into a gang. His feet grow tired as he reaches a new fresh piece of wall. It reminds him of a crisp new piece of canvas, a perfect space to tell his story, one of pain and suffering. If only he knew how to read and write. He removes the lid and begins to spray. He breathes in allowing the aerosol to fill his lungs, this is his drug, and this feeling is his high. He is in a trance of emotion and pain as the paint reaches the clean white surface; he has no control as his mind takes over. He stops and takes a step back. What remains, is a simple scribble, a scribble he hopes his city understands.

These scribbles that are found around your city represent more than just teenage rebellion but speak words of growth and suffering. Each scribble has a meaning, each scribble represents a past. So, how will you consume it? How will you ingest your city’s scribbled walls?

If we didn’t accept the conventions of design, would our design, still be design?

If we didn’t accept the conventions of design, would our design, still be design?
Allow your design to destroy rationalism by combining the conscious and unconscious realms of human experience to create an almost surreal visual experience.
Your body jolts in absolute terror as the ground below your feet crumbles away beneath you, as your body starts falling at a rapid pace. You wake up gasping for air as if your lungs have been deprived of air for several whole minutes. Your heart rate begins to slow down as your body slowly comes to terms with your consciousness. The reason your body fears your subconscious sleep-like state so much, is because when you sleep you have no control, your subconscious takes over and you lose all control, accepting everything as you become a victim of your own mind.
You feel relieved to know that it was just a dream as you slowly close your eyes, once again slipping into a deep slumber. Your logic slowly begins to dissolve as your subconscious begins to take possession of your body. You find yourself standing on an unfamiliar beach with no recollection of how you got there. The water is a bright fuchsia colour, you don’t question this strange phenomenon, instead you gracefully walk up to the vibrant liquid, embrace it in your cupped hands and drink it. Suddenly it starts to rain. Babies, babies everywhere, babies falling from the sky- how will you look after all these babies you ask yourself as you start to panic, you don’t have enough money to look after all these babies, but that’s okay you have plenty of carrots and who needs money when you have carrots? You pick up a baby and your world starts to turn, suddenly you’re being chased, chased by nuns. You start to shoot them one by one, where did that gun come from? Why are you killing innocent nuns? You can’t stop, it has to be done. You run into a wall, “Ouch”, it says, a talking wall. You turn around to discover your six year old sister giving birth, you happily give her your blessing and continue swimming away from the shark that’s been chasing you, it viciously bites your left arm as you laugh hysterically taking it home to put in your fish tank. You look down at your Victorian ball gown and back up at your crush who you met at a book store three days ago, happily responding with an, “I do”, you’re eighteen years old and married, you’re ecstatic. Just at the height of your happiness you hear the sound your body knows only to well, the sound of reality as your subconscious starts to fade away and your logic begins to take over. Bordering on the verge of consciousness your arm stretches towards your bedside table as your hand grabs your alarm clock, turning it off with speed. Suddenly you’re in control, you have a conscience, you have choices. We live in a world that is governed by rules and conventions. In the world of design no one is an individual, designers feed off a cycle of repeated trends and fads resulting in designs that are no longer unique but expected. In order to see a change in the world of design, designers need to give into the vulnerability of design and let their subconscious reign free, only then will we see a new, interesting juxtaposition of old and new, freedom and individuality. Designers need to let go of their sanity and explore a world of design that hasn’t been tapped into, a world where there is less control and more expression. Design shouldn’t be followed, but challenged. Design shouldn’t be accepted, but questioned. If we didn’t just accept the conventions of design, would our design still be design?

Sunday 2 September 2012

Humanity is cruel

Humanity is cruel.
People are mean. They don’t really give a shit.
They’re all talk no action or all action no talk- never both.
Cut the crap. Speak the truth.
You don’t have to like me,
but you don’t have to hate me either.
No one is real some are just less fake.
You play the game well yet you’re never going to win.
You have a heart you just don’t know how to use it,
you have a brain, you just choose not to use it.
You have a soul- yet it seems to be dormant.
We are all apart of this breathing ball of energy, 
so choose to love more and hate less. Be real
with yourself and others but never,
and i mean never- actually give a shit.

by me.